Parenting Resources

Parenting is a journey that many of us are on together. It is so important for us to be informed, engaged, and encouraged!

Below are links to podcasts and articles from Focus on the Family that may be helpful.

  • Kids’ imaginations can get them into trouble. Click here to read more.

  • Raising children to follow Christ requires your faith and trust in the Lord’s plan. Keep reading to learn how to promote your children’s spiritual growth. Click here to read more.

  • A child has just accepted Jesus as their Savior—this is fantastic news! But what now? Do you just send them on their way with a thankful satisfaction knowing that they are “safe and saved”? No! This child has taken the first step in beginning a relationship with God, and this relationship should continue to grow with the child for the rest of his or her life. Click here to read more.

  • In a world that measures success by likes, grades, looks, and popularity, it can be easy for our kids to get caught placing their identity in the wrong thing. This week, join Danny & Rebecca as they sit down with Bob Smiley & Jesse Florea of "The Official Average Boy Podcast" to talk about how we can help our children see themselves through God's eyes. Later, we answer a question from a listener who wants to know how she can help her kids transition to a new home across the country. Click here to listen!

  • Have you ever struggled with overprotecting your children? Many of us have. Dr. Kathy Koch joins Jim Daly to explain why our kids need to learn that their choices have consequences. Also, John and Danny will share why it's important to teach our kids to own their decisions. Click here to listen!


Wednesday Nite Kids (WNK) includes an amazing rotation of engaging programing, including: Bible Study, Music, Missions-RA's, GA's, & Mission Friends, Recreation, and more from 6-7:30 pm. This is for children ages 3-5th grade.

children's ministry


We are excited to kick off a new year in our Children's Ministry! Please fill out the  "First Kids Registration Form" by visiting

This makes our sign-in and registration process on Sundays & Wednesdays go so much more smoothly.

We appreciate your help in registering your child online!

It is such a blessing to minister to your children! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Stephanie Caldwell at

Children's ministry

Mark 10:14 - "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

At First Baptist Camden we believe today's children are tomorrow's hope. That's why we provide a wide range of programs and activities that are designed to help our children reach their full potential - and prepare them to become our spiritual leaders of the future. Stephanie Caldwell serves as our Director of Children’s Ministries along with a dedicated "army" of volunteers to bless our children through the offering of classes, activities, and programs.

How to join us for SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY NIGHT activities

Registration – all families of preschoolers and children must register to let us know of their intent to attend Sunday School, Choir, and Mission Organizations. Please call the church office or email Stephanie at to register. 

We also need to know if you need childcare during our Worship Service for children three years old or younger. This will ensure that we have proper staffing and space available.

Everyone will enter and exit through the Welcome Center.

Check-in & Check-out Procedures:

• Families will tell the Check-in attendant the name(s) of children and then receive stickers for security (one for each preschool child & one for parent). The parent will present the security sticker to the Check-in attendant. Parents whose classes are upstairs may drop-off and pick-up children after checking in with the attendant.

• The Check-in attendant will radio the runner to pick up the child(ren) and take them to parents in the Welcome Center.

  • Join our Camden FBC Children’s Ministry Facebook

    group to stay up-to-date on the latest events & activities!