Contact the church office or reach out to one of our pastors if you are interested in participating in any of these "Serve Beyond" ministry opportunities!
Assisted Living Ministry
Have you ever helped a grandma or grandpa, mom or dad, sister or brother, or a dear friend move to an assisted living home? I think most people initially find such a move quite traumatic! Contact the church office for more information about how you might be able to love and serve beyond 1201 and bring glory to God by helping and encouraging these dear people through God’s Word! There are many other ways volunteers can serve in this ministry too! Come, see, and hear about some wonderful opportunities for service!
Bereavement & Flowers Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry Team coordinates the provision of a family meal (preferably in the Fellowship Center) on the day of the funeral for the family of a church member. The Flower Ministry Team oversees the placement of floral offerings in the sanctuary. The Sonshine Ministry Team handles the delivery of donated floral offerings to our home-bound, hospitalized folks, and our nursing home residents.
Choir and Orchestra
The choir and orchestra meet for rehearsal each Wednesday night to prepare to lead our congregation in worship each Sunday morning.
Department of Juvenile Justice Mentoring
Fellowship Ministry
If you want to be the cool friend inviting everyone to the cookout, we are the team for you. With very little commitment, you can be a part of one of the biggest events in the church all year.
First Impressions Ministry
First impressions are formed in the first 7 seconds. First Baptist has a First Impressions Ministry to help our guest have a positive first impression. From driving on campus, to parking, to walking through an outside door, first impressions continue to form. The biggest influencer is usually the first face they see. If you are willing to learn a little about the ministries of the church and where things take place, let us know!
Golf Cart Ministry
Beep! Beep! Looking for a way to dip your toes into the pool of serving beyond yourself? The Golf Cart team just may be for you! On Sunday mornings, we offer transportation around our campus via our Golf Cart team. Come help an elderly woman cross the road, the new mother, a guest, or someone who just needs a lift by being a part of our Golf Cart Team.
Good News Club Ministry
The Good News Club is an exciting, fun-filled weekly club for boys and girls, K through 5th grade, in which the Bible is clearly taught with songs, stories, and games including: Dynamic Bible Lessons, Creative Learning Activities, Inspiring Missionary Stories, Meaningful Songs, and Life-changing Scripture Memory. Parents are welcome to attend. All club workers are screened as required by Child Evangelism Fellowship Child Protection Policy to ensure the child’s safety. These Christian teachers have received specialized training from CEF and are members of a local church.
Guest Information Desk Ministry
We cannot know the issues or concerns on the heart and mind of someone visiting our church. They may be giving God a chance for the first time in a long time. We need friendly faces to serve at the Guest Information Desk who can simply say “Good morning! Welcome! We are so glad that you are here!” We want our visitors to know that we are excited that they have chosen to spend their Sunday morning with us. So, what is required of those serving beyond themselves at the Guest Information Desk? Fifteen minutes. That’s it! Just fifteen minutes either before or after the morning worship service. Those who come to the desk can get information about Sunday School classes (already printed). Those visiting for the first time can come by and pick up a gift bag (already assembled). So, if you can smile and say, “Good morning!”, this ministry is for you!
Heart4Schools Ministry
Heart for Schools is an initiative of the South Carolina Baptist Convention to create a network of churches serving students and teachers in South Carolina. First Baptist Camden established a partnership with the Continuous Learning Center of the Kershaw County School District in 2017. We have a variety of ministry opportunities, both short term and year long, to support the goals of the school as we love well and serve well the students and staff.
Kids Ministry
Looking for a place to serve and have fun?...Join us! We have lots of opportunities for you to Grow, Serve, and Love Beyond with our First Kids Ministry. Come share God's love and be blessed.
Kitchen Host Ministry
A community mission feeding those who struggle to afford food while sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Perfect for those with a busy schedule - limited time commitment - 2 hours one Sunday per month. Matthew 25:40 "...whatever you did for the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
Media Center Ministry
The Media Center is the church’s library and houses a variety of resources for all ages including books, Bible studies and commentaries, Bible references such as maps and dictionaries, and DVDs and CDs. The Center also houses documents about church history. Volunteer opportunities include staffing our open hours, reading to 4K children, helping with special events (e.g., open house and movie nights), and promoting the Center.
Men's Ministry
Music Tech Ministry
We have several opportunities for services in our Tech Ministry! A great way to begin is as the person who operates the worship slides for the service on Sunday morning! There are also the remote-controlled cameras that stream our services, the digital sound board that allows everyone to hear our services, and a computer-based lighting software that makes sure we can see our services! There is training and support provided for each position!
Ordinance Ministry
The Ordinance Team assists the pastors in worship services when Baptism and Lord's Super are part of the worship service. Come by and see the ways we minister together during these special services.
Preschool Choir & Kids Choir
Our Preschool Choir presently meets on Wednesday at 6PM. Our Kids Choir meets whenever we have discipleship classes on Sunday afternoon during the school year. Also, we are having our first Summer Kids Music Camp in July! Contact Pastor Tommy if you would like to be involved and find out how you can be a part of this ministry as a helper or as a ministry to your children or grandchildren!
Prison Ministry
The Iron Men Prison Ministry is Christian men sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Correctional Institutions in South Carolina. We conduct Christian Devotional Services in the Facility Chapel, personal and individual witnessing, and cell side visitation. We encourage inmates to read and study God's Holy Word, facilitate inmate group discussions, and pray with them on their personal needs and concerns. The Alpha Group conducts a 10 week, 15 session practical introduction to the Christian Faith in the correctional facility. This provides inmates with an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. Inmates receive Certificates for attending and completing the Sessions. Both groups aim to increase the Kingdom of God by helping inmates accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior to guide them through the rest of their lives into eternity.
Sacks of Love Ministry
Sacks of Love is designed to meet the needs of hungry children at times when other resources are not available. Concerned with the well-being of our students, a group called Sacks of Love Kershaw County was formed and is sponsored by the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Kershaw Baptist Association. The purpose of Sacks of Love is to provide sacks filled with nutritious food that children take home on weekends.
Serving Senior Saints
Do you want to show your LOVE to others? Do you want to SERVE with meaning? Join us and give your time to help GROW our Senior Adult Ministries.
Student Ministry
Students are not just the future of the church; they are the church today! They need to be loved and led. Sometimes it gets messy, sometimes everybody is sweaty, sometimes we cry together. Our growing ministry is always looking for warm bodies to love and lead our students. From weekly teachers or small group leaders to those willing to help at big events, we have a place where you can serve beyond.
Transportation Ministry
Urban Stars Ministry
Rewarding youth ministry sharing the love of Christ with the least of these. A great ministry for those with a heart for serving the less fortunate in our community. Matthew 25:40 “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me.’
Ushers Ministry
Smiles Wanted! Do you have a smile to share with visitors and members as they enter First Baptist Church to worship? We would love to see you and talk with you about the experience that will put an even bigger smile on your own face.
Women's Ministry
Worship Tech Ministry
Young at Heart Ministry
Young at Heart is a group for those 55+ to come together for fun and fellowship each month. With monthly gatherings to periodical outings, you can be a part of planning, preparing, and putting on these activities. Come and join the Young at Heart ministry!